Collection: Tamakage (NIEI) [Kyoyaki/Shimizu ware]

"I want to attract the interests of the people who saw the work."Niei) It is a belief that Mr. is cherishing in making the work.

The moment of resonating through the workIt's a writer and the person who wanted it At the moment of resonance, I want to create a work that is not just beautiful, but also shakes my heart.

Tamikage (trained at the kilns of Kyoyaki and Shimizu -yaki (Niei)Mr. In Shimizu ware, division of labor is performed for each production process, and advanced craftsmanship is cultivated in each process. Among them, the traditional technique, "painting", is one of the important technologies learned by Mr. Tanka.

"Tan (Ni) Is a traditional Japanese color, which refers to yellowish red, and is also used for painting the Otorii gates and Shimizu ware of Heian Jingu Shrine. "shadow(EI) Is used as a presence of light and expresses the color born from light. Tamakage (Niei) His style reflects its thoughts on painting using a variety of colors.

Traditional techniques that repeat classic and delicate patterns over and over again, and Tamakage (Niei) Many colors designed by his sensitivity are fused, creating elegant works.