Message from 16th-generation Shigeo / 16代当主からのメ...
I want you to enjoy the uniqueness of Tekki as it changes over time, and to use it every day without being too careful...
Message from 16th-generation Shigeo / 16代当主からのメ...
I want you to enjoy the uniqueness of Tekki as it changes over time, and to use it every day without being too careful...

Interview with the 13th-generation heir, Mr. Ay...
The 13th-generation heir, Ayaichiro Mishina, told us that paulownia, the material of tansu, serves to protect the items inside the tansu...
Interview with the 13th-generation heir, Mr. Ay...
The 13th-generation heir, Ayaichiro Mishina, told us that paulownia, the material of tansu, serves to protect the items inside the tansu...

SERENDOUCECRAFTS x Kickstarter【岩谷堂箪笥 小抽斗 x 鍋敷き...
SERENDOUCECRAFTS x Kickstarter【岩谷堂箪笥 小抽斗 x 鍋敷き...

SERENDOUCE CRAFTS × makuake【西陣織・引箔アート x お箸プロジェク...
西陣織に絢爛豪華な輝きを与える「引箔」。金箔・銀箔をたたいて織物に織り込んでいく「引箔技法」は西陣織独自の伝統技法です。 ...
SERENDOUCE CRAFTS × makuake【西陣織・引箔アート x お箸プロジェク...
西陣織に絢爛豪華な輝きを与える「引箔」。金箔・銀箔をたたいて織物に織り込んでいく「引箔技法」は西陣織独自の伝統技法です。 ...

SERENDOUCE CRAFTS × makuake【西陣織・引箔アート x お箸プロジェク...
SERENDOUCE CRAFTS × makuake【西陣織・引箔アート x お箸プロジェク...