展示会特集#04 飯田将平 ガラスでやわらかさや温かさを届けたい



展示会特集#04 飯田将平 ガラスでやわらかさや温かさを届けたい




Shohei Iida(AichiGlass)

Providing Softness and Warmth in Glass


Born in Otaru City, Hokkaido in 1991, he currently lives and works in Tokoname City, Aichi Prefecture. While in high school he began on the path of glass art after helping his Otaru glass artist father in his studio. Using the technique of sorabuki glass blowing, he harnesses the strength of the studio's facilities for melting colored glass, and cherishes the unique hues created by blending. “Glass production requires facing the power of natural phenomena such as gravity and centrifugal force resulting in a feeling of being one with nature. I would like to continue using techniques I learned from my father while challenging myself to create in my own unique way. I also want to continue studying painting and crafts and incorporate the use color and shape expression in my work.” He presents the original series Dancing Glass which shows the softness of material flowing from cup to base, and Domaki using two colors of glass. “I want to create pieces that warm people’s hearts. Although I often make tableware, I would like to create more pieces conveying the charm of glass crafts.”



会 期:2021 年 10 月 28 日(木)- 11 月 7 日(日) ※会期中無休
開館時間:11:00 - 19:00
     ※イベント開催のため、10 月 29 日(金)は 11:00-15:30 、 10 月 30 日(土)は 11:00-13:00/ 16:00-19:00
     (入場は閉館の 30 分前まで)
入 場 料:無料
会 場:ポーラ ミュージアム アネックス(〒104-0061 中央区銀座 1-7-7 ポーラ銀座ビル 3 階) 
アクセス:東京メトロ 銀座一丁目駅 7 番出口すぐ / 東京メトロ 銀座駅 A9 番出口から徒歩 6 分
主 催:株式会社ポーラ・オルビスホールディングス
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