SERENDOUCE CRAFTSHaving a mission of "creating encounters with Japanese crafts", we are working to inherit traditional crafts technology to the future and revitalize the region. This time,4As the first online project, "Kyoto's lucky charm Traditional crafts that bring good luck will be delivered on the theme.
The lucky thing was a story -related story derived from "auspices" and related to the founding of a shrine. It is the oldest thing, and there is a theory that in the Nara era, the origin of the shrines and shrines such as Horyu -ji Temple is the origin. Later, during the Heian period, Chinese sentences and lucky paintings such as calligraphy and picture scrolls were appeared.
Invited cats and Fukatsu -Kazuma, which we envision as a lucky charm, are commercialized in amulets distributed at shrines and temples on the fair and worship days, and are said to have spread to the common people in the Edo period.

Lucky charm type

Modern lucky items include various items that include the devil arrows, amulets, and rakes you see in the New Year and Rooster Market, as well as the wishes of home safety, business prosperity, and longevity. Here are some typical lucky charms.
Bite: An item that invites good luck and symbolizes business prosperity. It is said that the right hand has a fortune, and the left hand has a good connection.
- Dragon:It symbolizes the rise of luck and has a wish for business prosperity and a successful career.
Daruma: The name of the high priest is derived, and is a symbol of the fulfillment and business prosperity. There is a custom of drawing one eye, putting a wish, and drawing another eye after fulfilling.
Mt. Fuji: It is a lucky charm that symbolizes business prosperity and longevity because of the spread.
- Hampered mallet:It is a lucky manner that has the meaning of business prosperity and fortune -telling as a hammer that the wish is fulfilled.
These lucky things are still colored to the lives of people as a symbol of wishes and prayers. In addition to the above, creatures such as rakes, folding fans, seven lacquer gods, owls, rabbits, carp, and sea bream are also lucky charms that have been transmitted to Japan since ancient times.

How to decorate luck
If you meet your wishes or your favorite lucky charms, decorate them immediately. There is no rule to decorate, but it is better not to have a bill or amulet not under the feet. Because it means to look down. Feeling, it's a good idea to put it in a place you often see in your daily life. If you love the lucky items every day, you will surely be able to keep the power.
The lucky charms introduced this time are Kyoto -based crafts on the theme of "Daruma", "Invite Cats", and "Rabbit", which have been loved by people who have long wished good luck and prosperity. The charm of a lucky luck that brings good luck and supporting it 3It is only gem that you can feel the depth of Japanese culture through the skills of human craftsmen. Please enjoy it.