privacy policy

About the handling of personal information

Established May 1, 2008
Revised on April 1, 2022

Pola Orbis Holdings Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") strongly recognizes the importance of protection of personal information, and is called the "Personal Information Protection Law" (hereinafter referred to as the Protection of Personal Information. We will handle appropriate management and use of personal information based on the following provisions by complying with related laws and regulations, guidelines, etc.

1. Safety management system

The Company takes precise and latest measures for the appropriate management of leaks, loss or damage to personal information (hereinafter referred to as "personal information"). I will try to keep it.
In handling personal information, as follows, it is necessary to thoroughly manage personal information (information security measures), such as preventing fraudulent access, falsification, leakage, loss or damage from third parties as follows. We will take appropriate measures.

(1) Formulation of basic policy

・ Establish this "Handling of personal information" to ensure the proper handling of personal information and inform you of questions and complaints.

(2) Development of discipline related to the handling of personal data

・ Formulate in -house regulations regarding personal information about how to handle, use, preservation, provision, deletion, and disposal, etc.

(3) Organizing safety management measures

・ Established person in charge of handling personal data
・ Clarify the scope of personal data handled by employment and employee who handles personal data
・ Report and contact system to the person in charge of personal information management when it is a fact that violates the Personal Information Protection Law or in -house regulations.
・ Regular inspection of personal information handling status, audits in the audit department, etc. as appropriate.

(4) Human safety management measures

・ Regarding the handling of personal information, regular training is provided by employers
・ Describe matters related to secret maintenance of personal information in the employment rules

(5) Physical safety management measures

・ In the area that handles personal information, we will restrict employment operators and restrict equipment to bring in, and to take measures to prevent viewing of personal information by those who do not have authority.
・ Measures to prevent stolen or loss of equipment, electronic media, documents, etc. handling personal information
・ When carrying devices, electronic media, etc., which handle personal information, including the movement in the office, take measures to prevent personal information from leaking easily.

(6) Technical safety management measures

・ Limit the scope of the person in charge who can handle access control and handle personal information
・ Introduced a mechanism to protect information systems that handle personal information from external or fraudulent software

(7) Understanding the external environment

・ When storing personal information in foreign countries, for foreign countries, safety management measures have been implemented after grasping the protection of personal information in that country (hereinafter referred to as links).
(Link destination) Personal Information Protection Committee HP "Survey on the protection of personal information in foreign countries, etc."

2. Collection

We will acquire personal information by legal and fair means. When you purchase our products, use various services, websites, etc., cooperate with various survey activities, when you participate in various events, etc., as needed. Name, address, telephone number, age, date of birth, gender, e -mail address, occupation, family structure, product purchase contents, various services, tastes related to makeup and fashion, size, skin condition, We may collect personal information such as opinions and consultation details directly.

3. Purpose

Personal information will be used for the following purposes in order to proceed with the transaction with us safely and accurately and provide better products, services, guidance, etc. (1) For delivery of products of our and our group companies, providing services (2) Various guidance, advertising display, questionnaire, etc. by telephone, service, campaign, etc. of our group company and our group company. (3) In order to carry out, co -sponsored, co -sponsored, sponsored, exhibit, etc., various events, contests, etc., organizers, etc., and questionnaire questionnaires, etc. For improvement of analysis, products, services, campaigns, etc., research and development, etc. (5) For creation of various statistical materials and media (6) For response to opinions, consultations, etc., to record and organize. (7) For the management of shareholders stipulated in law (8) Exercise of the rights of shareholders based on laws and regulations, to fulfill their obligations (9) In order to provide information and services for shareholders, Therefore (10) For the promotion and improvement of public relations, IR activities, cultural activities, and (11) information collected from the person (browsing and using services, etc. Includes information such as history, transaction history, purchasing history, preference, skin condition, opinions and consultation contents, but not limited to these) and use it for the following purposes.・ Research and develop products, services, events, campaigns, etc. of our company and our groups according to the hobbies and preferences of ourselves ・ Products of our Group companies according to our hobbies, preferences, etc. To provide various information such as services, events, campaigns, etc.

4. Providing personal information to third parties

We will not provide personal information to third parties, except in cases of laws and regulations.

5. consignment

The Company may outsource sending out the announcement to the person, conducting events and campaigns, analyzing information on purchasing history and service use history, to third parties. In this case, the Company shall conduct necessary and appropriate supervision for the contractor in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Law.

6. Joint use of personal information

We will jointly use your personal information as follows.

(1) Range of co -users

Pola Orbis Holdings Co., Ltd., its domestic consolidated subsidiaries and domestic related companies

(2) Purpose of the use of co -users

(1) In order for a company or a jointly used company to fully and smoothly perform transactions with customers and services for customers (2) analysis, products, and services of the Company or the company to be used jointly, products, and services. , For improvement of campaigns, research and development, etc. (3) Inquiries, applications, and other requests for products, services, campaigns, etc. provided by the Company or the company to be used jointly. To communicate and take over to the company in charge ④ In order to provide guidance on advertising, products, services, campaigns, questionnaires, etc. provided by the company or jointly used by the Company or jointly In addition to the above items, this section (this section ( 3) We will analyze the information of the customer described in the following purposes and research and develop the products, services, campaigns, etc. of the Company or the company used in cooperation with the hobbies and preferences of customers. To provide various guidance such as products, services, campaigns, etc. according to the hobbies and preferences of customers ⑥ For management and internal management of the Pola Orbis Group

(3) Items of personal information used jointly

Name, date of birth, address and delivery information, telephone number, e -mail dress, gender, product, service, etc. Transactions, usage history, questionnaire results, hobbies and preference information, opinions and consultation contents, customer service Contents related to skin analysis, behavioral information on the Internet and other electronic networks, etc.

(4) Those who are responsible for managing personal data to be used

A company that has obtained each personal data. The address and representative are as described in the case of the company obtained by the Company.
For information about the management manager if the company other than the Company is an original acquisition, please refer to the announcements on the personal information on the official website of the company.

7. Use of kana processing information

The Company will create a pseudonym processing information that has been processed so that certain individuals cannot be identified unless they are shared with other information, and analyzed and used for the purpose of improving, research, and development of our products and services. To do. In addition, we will share the kana processing information as follows.

(1) Range of co -users

Same as 6 (1) above

(2) Purpose of the use of co -users

Analysis for improvement, research, development, etc. of products, services, campaigns, etc. at each company that perform joint use

(3) Information on individuals used jointly

Of the items described in 6 (3) above, the items other than the name (if there is any processing such as deletion, replacement, etc. for information other than the name), it will be properly processed.

(4) Person who is responsible for managing personal data, which is commonly used

Same as 6 (4) above

8. Acquisition, use and provision of information linked to identifiers such as cookies

(1) Cookie is a text formal information stored in a website sent from the website when browsing a website. In addition, a web beacon is a mechanism that sends information when you browse the page or e -mail by embedding a small image in a web page or e -mail. In this website, we use cookies, web beacons, or similar technologies (hereinafter referred to as "cookies, etc.") to save and use the information of the person. The Company may provide the information stored in accordance with this to advertising distribution service companies, etc., and use it for advertising distribution (the following is an example of the company to be provided. Not limited).・ Yahoo! JAPAN (Yahoo Co., Ltd.) Yahoo! JAPAN's privacy policy [
Optout from Yahoo! JAPAN ads [] ・ Google (Google LLC) Google Privacy Policy [
Optout from Google Ads [] ・ Facebook (Meta Platforms, Inc.) Facebook Privacy Policy [
Opt out from Facebook ads [] (2) The Company has obtained the consent of the person, and has been collected by identifiers such as cookies from the data management platform (DMP) operated by a third party (DMP). However, it is not limited to this), and the analysis results are obtained, and this is linked to the personal data, and then planning and operating products, services, campaigns, etc., marketing activities, etc. It may be used for the purpose.

9. Disclosure / correction / suspension of use of personal information, etc.

If you wish to disclose your personal information to yourself, make sure that you are the person and respond quickly, except in the following cases, in accordance with the laws and regulations. I will have it. In addition, if not disclosed or if there is no applicable personal data, we will answer that effect.・ If there is a risk of harm the life, body, property, and other rights of the third party ・ If there is a risk of significant problems with the proper implementation of our business ・ If it violates laws and regulations If the person wants to disclose, correct, add or delete or suspend usage, delete or suspend a third party, etc., confirm that he is the person, and then law and regulate. We will respond quickly.
Please contact us for inquiries regarding disclosure, etc., questions or complaints regarding the handling of personal information, etc., please contact the following e -mail address.
Pola Orbis Holdings Personal Information Contact Contact

10. Storage period and erasure of personal information

Personal information will be properly stored and managed for the period when we judge that it is necessary, and after the end of the period, we will safely erase it in a way that cannot be restored.

11. Improvement and improvement of legal compliance and handling

In handling personal information, we will comply with the Personal Information Protection Law and other applicable Japanese laws and regulations, continue to review and improve and improve safety management measures.

that's all

Pola Orbis Holdings Co., Ltd.
1-17 Ginza, Chuo -ku, Tokyo
Representative Director Hoshi Suzuki

For details on the handling of personal information for each product or each service, please refer to the handling of personal information related to each product and service.