Information on some product prices revision

Thank you very much for using Serendouce Crafts online shops on a daily basis.

This time, Serendouce Crafts will revise the price of some products in response to the soaring price of various expenses, including raw material costs, for some time.

We apologize for any inconvenience to our customers, but we look forward to your continued support.

・ Price revised product (price: tax included)

■Umeki Hondane Hasami Manufacturing 
Seed knife (middle) revised price 8,250 yen [old price 7,700 yen]

Umeki Hondane Hasami Manufacturing/ Umeki Hondane Hasami Manufacturing

■ Nanjo Kobo
LINNE CHIBI S Compatibility Rebuilding Price 15,950 yen [Old price 14,850 yen]
LINNE CHIBI M double -granted new price 17,600 yen [old price 16,500 yen]
LINNE MYO HOU New price [38,500 yen] [Old price 35,200 yen]

Nanjo Kobo / LINNE

■ Book project
Marugiri board 24cm [New price 7,260 yen] [Old price 6,600 yen]
Oval dish 24cm [New price 6,050 yen] [Old price 5,500 yen]

Ban Project 

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