After studying the city planning and leaving the graduate school, Masaki Noda went on the road to make glass at the 30 -year -old milestone. The technique used by Mr. Mida is called "pin brow", and unlike the "spray glass" that blows and molds, the glass is molded only with natural force such as water vapor, gravity, and centrifugal force. I will do it.
While working in a town development that fulfills the happiness of people, my life is less happy, I work hard without a sense of connecting everyday life, and I have a self -contradiction. Among them, I think of the glass crafts that I experienced as a member of society. "When I worked with a 1300 degree melting furnace fire, I felt that my thoughts were blown away. At the same time, I felt pure joy in creating a thing with my own hands. " After that, he decided to move to Toyama Prefecture and took the path to glass writers.
The feature of the work made with the integrated pin brow with Mr. Hida is a dignified presence. The work produced with such thoughts is "natural and more beautiful," "the more you cut the pattern with a color or bubbles or touch the surface, and the more" it will be ", the more" natural and more beautiful ". So, there is a beauty of streamlined.

There are other tasks other than production. "Name". "Glass of the Wind", "Soft Reading" "JupitaーFrom poetic titles such asIncorporationImagine about your thoughtsScrapingIt can be set up. The feeling of making a vessel and the impression received from the finished bowl is replaced with words and is named. The wind is todayairI want to make a glass of a wind person because I have a good ideaairAt the time of warm rain……。By using a glass work while feeling the name of the work, not only the quality of the tableware itself, but also the world of imagination in the back gives you peace of mind.

Glass of the wind person:In the pin -brow technique, the thicker the glass, the easier it is. The center of gravity is low, and the weight you feel when you pick it up creates comfort. It is said that the silhouette reflected when there is lighting has a different beauty than a glass work with a uniform thickness.

Cold water: It is a pure and cool depression.
Serendouce Crafts proposes modern beauty and comfort living with traditional Japanese crafts.
You can also see the work from Instagram.