Masaaki Iwasa
‘Heart-rattling Lacquerware You Can Enjoy Seeing Change Over Time’
While working in clothing sales, he became interested in ceramics after seeing a Bizen ware sake bottle. “My interest grew, and I entered the world of pottery in earnest. I want to move people with my work the way I was moved when first I saw Bizen pottery. I use silver leaf because unlike silver paint it is extremely expressive, and people can enjoy seeing it change over time.” Masaaki’s main work is ceramic lacquerware, which is made by applying lacquer to pottery. It is characterized by unique colors and textures that cannot be fully expressed by pottery or lacquer alone. He says, “Ceramic lacquerware is very attractive because it has the characteristics of both pottery, which can be expressed through molding, and lacquerware which has a unique texture created by applying color and polish. Silver foil is then applied to add life.”
‘Heart-rattling Lacquerware You Can Enjoy Seeing Change Over Time’
While working in clothing sales, he became interested in ceramics after seeing a Bizen ware sake bottle. “My interest grew, and I entered the world of pottery in earnest. I want to move people with my work the way I was moved when first I saw Bizen pottery. I use silver leaf because unlike silver paint it is extremely expressive, and people can enjoy seeing it change over time.” Masaaki’s main work is ceramic lacquerware, which is made by applying lacquer to pottery. It is characterized by unique colors and textures that cannot be fully expressed by pottery or lacquer alone. He says, “Ceramic lacquerware is very attractive because it has the characteristics of both pottery, which can be expressed through molding, and lacquerware which has a unique texture created by applying color and polish. Silver foil is then applied to add life.”
会 期:2021 年 10 月 28 日(木)- 11 月 7 日(日) ※会期中無休
開館時間:11:00 - 19:00
※イベント開催のため、10 月 29 日(金)は 11:00-15:30 、 10 月 30 日(土)は 11:00-13:00/ 16:00-19:00
(入場は閉館の 30 分前まで)
入 場 料:無料
会 場:ポーラ ミュージアム アネックス(〒104-0061 中央区銀座 1-7-7 ポーラ銀座ビル 3 階)
アクセス:東京メトロ 銀座一丁目駅 7 番出口すぐ / 東京メトロ 銀座駅 A9 番出口から徒歩 6 分
主 催:株式会社ポーラ・オルビスホールディングス
※新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染予防対策を実施し、安心してお楽しみいただけるように配慮して開催いたします。感染拡大 防止のためのお客さまへのお願いは、ギャラリーHP をご覧ください。